Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Negro Leagues in Brooklyn

1902 Royal Giants
"The best known association of the Negro Leagues with Brooklyn is that of Jackie Robinson, but long before the Dodgers began the re-integration of pro baseball, the Negro Leagues had a presence in Brooklyn. Records are sparse, but newspapers make mention of early teams such as the Unknown Club of Weekfield, the Monitor Club, and the Unique Club. The Brooklyn Daily Eagle reported on a match of October 16, 1862, when the Unknowns defeated the Monitors 41 to 15. Unknown center fielder Smith was the star of the game, scoring 9 runs without making a single out. ... In 1905, the Brooklyn Royal Giants were founded by John Connors, owner of the Brooklyn Royal Cafe. They rose to prominence quickly, forming strong rivalries with the Cuban Giants and Philadelphia Giants especially. By 1907 the New York Times was already referring to Philadelphia and Brooklyn as 'ancient rivals' in promoting an
Ebbets Field
upcoming game at Washington Park. The club took on many semipro teams and college squads, both within the city and on tours of the northeast. The club also toured Cuba in 1908, with some success- especially a 9 to 1 thrashing of the Cincinnati Reds, also touring at the time. Negro League players endured many battles. In 1908, for instance, three players quit the Hagerstown Club in Maryland rather than play a scheduled game against the Royal Giants. That being said, most semipro clubs, and even a fair number of minor and major league ones, while drawn along color lines themselves, were happy at least to play against anyone."

"... Joining forces with famed Negro League researcher Gary Ashwill and Pete Hill's great nephew, Major Ron Hill I am proud to bring to you a beautiful 15 card tribute to one of the greatest black ballplayers of all time - PETE HILL. Many of you are familiar with Pete's career which spanned the first quarter of the 20th century. Each of the cards picture Pete on one of the many teams he played for - The Philadelphia Giants, Havana Reds, Chicago American Giants, Leland Giants, Baltimore Black Sox, Detroit Star, Cuban X Giants - and many more - Pete Hill's baseball odyssey found him playing on some of the greatest blackball teams of the dead-ball era."
The Infinite Card Set

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