Friday, November 30, 2012

Chicago Whales

Weeghman Park in April 1914
"The Chicago Whales were a professional baseball team based in Chicago. They played in the Federal League, a short-lived 'third Major League', in 1914 and 1915. They originally lacked a formal nickname, and were known simply as the 'Chicago Federals' (or 'Chi-Feds') to distinguish them from the Chicago Cubs and Chicago White Sox. The team was founded by Charles Weeghman. They came in second in the Federal League rankings in 1914 and won the league championship in 1915. They came to an end when the Federal League came to a deal with the National and American Leagues that disbanded all its teams. As a result of the deal owner Weeghman was allowed to purchase a stake in the Chicago Cubs. The Whales are notable as the original occupants of the stadium now known as Wrigley Field, the current home of the Cubs and the only Federal League stadium still in use."

CHIFEDS - Joe Tinker
Tale of the Whales: The Forgotten Story of Chicago’s Original North Side Ballclub
"The Chicago Whales needed a win. It was October 3, 1915, and the North Side squad was heading into the final game of the season in a dead-heat for first. They’d played 151 games, won eighty-five of them, and now everything hinged on the second game of a double-header against the Pittsburgh Rebels. Win it, and the Federal League pennant would be theirs. Lose it, and it’d go to Pittsburgh. Joe Tinker, the Whales’ player-manager, was no stranger to important games. He’d played in a lot of them with the Chicago Cubs years earlier. But now he was in the twilight of his career, and he knew this could be his last real shot at another pennant, his last chance to reclaim glory. They’d nearly done it earlier that afternoon, when they led the Rebels by three late in the first game. But an RBI single by Al Wickland, the former Whales centerfielder, sent the game to extras, where Pittsburgh would win off yet another Wickland crack. It would all come down to this. Weeghman Park, the new steel-beam and concrete baseball cathedral on Clark and Addison, swelled to accommodate the some 35,000 fans in attendance."

1915 Chicago Whales
Opening Up Weeghman Park (Wrigley Field) in 1914
"The Chicago Federals were the home team on April 23, 1914, when Weeghman Park hosted its first game. Where were the Cubs? At West Side Park, playing the Cincinnati Reds–they didn’t move over to Weeghman until mid-1916. And Weeghman didn’t become known as Wrigley until 1926. It was called Cubs Park from 1920 through 1925. Anyway, on April 23, the Federals (a Federal League team, of course, who were later named the Whales), were playing against the Kansas City Packers. The Feds had opened the season by losing five of their first seven games. Here’s some of how the Chicago Tribune described opening day: 'Chicago took the Federal League to its bosom yesterday and claimed it as a mother would claim a long lost child. With more more frills and enthusiasm than had prevailed at a baseball opening here Joe Tinker and his Chifeds made their debut before a throng of fans
1914 ticket stub
that filled the new north side park to capacity, and the Chicago Feds trounced George Stovall’s Kansas City team, 9 to 1. All Chicago cheered and the north side was maddened with delight."
Misc. Baseball

1915 Chicago Whales season
"The 1915 Chicago Whales season was a season in American baseball. After not having an official nickname in 1914, the team officially became the Whales for the 1915 season. They finished the season with an 86-66 record, placing them in a statistical tie with the St. Louis Terriers for first place in the Federal League. However, since the Whales had a slightly better winning percentage, they were declared the league champions."
W - 1915 Chicago Whales

Chicago Whales all-time roster
"The Chicago Whales were a Major League Baseball franchise that played in the Federal League during its two years of existence, 1914 and 1915. The following is a list of players and who appeared in at least one game for the franchise during this time. This includes the Chicago Federals, the name of the club in 1914."
W - Chicago Whales all-time roster

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