Tuesday, October 2, 2012

send to the showers

"To remove a player (esp. a pitcher) during the game, usually because of ineffectiveness. The player presumably heads for the clubhouse and a hot shower. See also knock out. Syn. shower. 1ST USE. 1912. "His teammates had given [Ray Caldwell] a two run lead and were threatening to send [Ed] Summers to the shower baths' (New York Sun, June 2; Peter Morris). EXTENDED USE. To remove from any activity. An early example alluding to World War I: 'No doubt Pershing and Foch has got the game sewed up tight or they would never take a chance and send me to the showers whilst they was more innin's to play' (H.C. Witwer, A Smile a Minute, 1919; David Shulman)."
Paul Dickson, The Dickson Baseball Dictionary

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