Thursday, July 25, 2013

1907 World Series

1907 World Series
"The 1907 World Series featured the Chicago Cubs and the Detroit Tigers, with the Cubs winning the Series four games to none (with one tie) for their first championship. The Cubs came back strong from their shocking loss in the 1906 World Series. The Tigers' young star Ty Cobb came into the Series with the first of his many league batting championships. With pitching dominance over the Tigers and Cobb, the Cubs allowed only three runs in the four games they won, while stealing 18 bases off the rattled Tigers. Tigers pitcher 'Wild Bill' Donovan struck out twelve Cubs in Game 1. Although that matched Ed Walsh's total in Game 3 against the Cubs in 1906, it was across twelve innings. Donovan struck out just ten Cubs in the first nine innings of the game."

Chicago Cubs third baseman Harry Steinfeldt
Ty Cobb of the Detroit Tigers in the 1907 World Series
"The 1907 World Series was an exciting match up, with the powerhouse Chicago Cubs facing a new challenge -- the young phenom Ty Cobb of the Detroit Tigers. The following is a condensed excerpt from The Best Team Ever, a Novel of America, Chicago and the 1907 Cubs. Ty Cobb of the Detroit Tigers, a fierce competitor with an antagonistic combative attitude, spent every moment of his waking life trying to find an edge. Sometimes, in a game already lost or won, Ty Cobb attempted to take an extra base on a single where he knew he had no chance, or to advance from first to home on a routine single, simply to set the stage for the future, to plant, as he put it, 'the threat.'"
1907 Cubs

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